About This Site
The history of this particular Imaginary Tree
Warning: Even my mom isn’t interested in reading all this, hehe! Feel free to skim through and ignore paragraphs that don't interest you. It is important for me to have this documented for my own reference.
October 15th, 2005, I created and registered this domain name. The name was inspired by a combination of words carefully plucked from two songs by a beloved band, The Cure: Three Imaginary Boys, and A Forest. These words together, "Imaginary Tree", embodied inspiration, appreciation, collaboration and creativity. Specifically, the structure of a tree, invisibly drawn between creative individuals and time passing.

True to myself in embodying a turtle, I moved slowly and finally set a placeholder for the site in 2008, with a mysterious photo my husband took of our very own imaginary tree! He was inspired by a moon shadow of the patient maple that sat in the backyard of the house we owned at the time.
This tree brings a specific cherished memory of a visit from my Dad, who was on his way to a work travel assignment at the time. It was in the fall, and this maple had turned a beautiful yellow that year. We barbecued split hot Italian sausage, sautéed pepper, and onion and enjoyed sandwiches and conversation under the tree. I wonder how many other gatherings were enjoyed under the tree.
Two years later, in 2010, I began to share posts of creative talent I appreciated. As with much in my life, I found other interesting paths to explore, became distracted from the site and stopped adding to the website.
Now in 2022, I am returning to this site with a focus on sharing beautiful things.
I am not going to remove the past posts from this website, so I may continue honoring the creative people I still respect very much. I will just be adding to the site as inspiration strikes.
I have always appreciated beauty in the world, but have not always appreciated my own perspective. I used to focus on what I don't have and work towards improving that and ignore what I actually do have.
In 2017, I have been blessed by a specific health issue, and a diagnosis within the past couple years, has allowed me to set my focus on what is most important in my life, and also selectively remove what needs to be diminished. It's now my goal to appreciate what I have and be okay with my perfectly imperfect self.
Sharing the beauty I see in this beautiful world is a valid perspective, and who knows? Others may also appreciate this beauty as well.
Currently, the beautiful things I'm adding to this site are created in multiple artistic AI app environments. I use Photoshop to remove distractions, build in better detail, and ensure the compositions work for each piece.
I hope you can also enjoy the beauty I see and share here.